Information and Procedures for Dover Baptist Church

Reopening on Sunday, May 24th

We will be having two worship services.

We will limit the number of attendees per service to 50 people.

The 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM service will be for folks over 55 years old.

The 11:00 AM to 12:00 noon service will be for 55 years and under.

Families can choose the age of one parent to decide where to attend.

We do ask that our most vulnerable members please remain home a little longer and remain self-quarantined.

We would hate to see you catch the virus.

The church will be properly sanitized before each service.

All hymn books will be removed at this time so we do not have to keep sanitizing them.

There will not be a choir, passing of offering plates, Sunday school, or child care in these early re-entry services.

There will not be handshakes and hugs for awhile either. We will not pass offering plates or be using bulletins at this time.

Pews will be marked off and you will be seated by an usher, to have social distancing.

As you enter the building you are required to wear a mask for the time being.

Your temperature will be taken by our medical staff as you enter the building.

We will enter the front door of the sanctuary (main building) only, all other entrances and buildings will be closed.

There will be offering baskets for you to use.

There will be numerous hand sanitizers throughout the sanctuary.

We encourage you to have your children use the bathrooms at home before you come.

This will cover all the Governor’s and KY Baptist Convention’s safety guidelines.

We hope to begin Wednesday night services on July 1 and Sunday school starting August 2. These are just tentative dates. Stay tuned for any changes that may become necessary.

Dover Baptist Church has been cleaned and disinfected on a weekly basis since quarantine started and will continue to.




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              Page created May 14, 2020                                                                                                   Contact the webmaster                                                                                                                       Disclaimer